I learned something about myself while going through a difficult period a few years ago; I learned I am a happy person. I also learned I am a grateful person.
Being grateful and choosing happy are two qualities that can help you make it through difficult times.
Being happy, smiling through the bad days, helps you turn those days from bad to good. It isn’t being fake or putting on airs, it is more like survival. The act of smiling can trick you into thinking you are happy, and that changes your perspective.
The smile must be your idea. No one can force that smile if you aren’t feeling it.
I remember being a child and my parents telling me to change my attitude. I remember them saying, “Put a smile on your face or I’ll put one on there for you.” Well, this never worked. (And sounds a little harsh but my parents never really spanked me.) They loved me and didn’t want me acting like a brat. This was their way of trying to control the situation.
I am sure I tried this on my own children, with failure.
Waking up and choosing happy, choosing to change your frown into a smile, choosing a positive, grateful attitude for yourself will result in a change in your happiness level.
Waking up and choosing happy, choosing to change your frown into a smile, choosing a positive, grateful attitude for yourself will result in a change in your happiness level. #dedradaviswrites Share on XIf you look around, see the joy, no matter how hard it is to see, you will feel the joy creep back in your life. And it won’t be forced.
If you simply exist in life, your life will cease to exist.
If you simply exist in life, your life will cease to exist. You will be a person, a zombie, who walks around not feeling the happy. You will simply go through the motions of your day.
Living grateful is another way you can change your attitude. It is easy to feel sorry for yourself. A better way, a healthier way of life, is to always be thankful, no matter what troubles you have. There’s always someone going through far worse than you. Acknowledging this and praying for others around you changes your perspective and your attitude because you are putting others first. This results in you realizing your life isn’t all that bad. Be grateful for what you have and for who you have in your life.
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Choosing happy, seeing the joy in your daily life, no matter how small, being grateful for your blessings, will turn your world around. And your frown.
I hope for you days of choosing happy and plenty to be grateful for.
love and blessings~dd
I wrote this blog post for be you and thrive, a beautiful, intentional, uplifting blog for women. Read my original guest post and the rest of D’s lovely words here. D chooses happy daily.
And– if you liked what you read here, please allow me into your inbox, once a week, and I will give you happiness like this on the regular!
If you simply exist in life, your life will cease to exist.-Dedra Davis #dedradaviswrites #choosehappy Share on X
Be You and Thrive says
I love it! And the fact that two simple tactics can be life changing. Thanks Dedra!!!xo
dedradavis says
Thank you for reading, again, D!! As always, I appreciate you!!