Sadly, in Texas, we don’t see gorgeous fall leaves until deep October and sometimes Thanksgiving.
I have to decorate with the faux ones.
I love Texas, born and raised, but as I have traveled and even more so as I have aged, I have realized there are much prettier places. (duh!)
I have tried (and succeeded) to find the beauty in Waco. The downtown area on Austin Avenue and more precise, the Cameron Park and Brazos River area are quite gorgeous. As I state over and over, one must look around them and find the beauty. (more about Waco in tomorrow’s post)
For me, I know it is truly autumn, in Waco, when I am headed home, down Lake Shore Drive. When I see a tree, a specific Oak. When I see that tree has turned the most gorgeous shades of fall, a flutter comes upon me and I truly tear up. Every year. Every time. This may sound really silly. But that is when I know the holidays are upon us and the spirit is within me and I am ready!
I should take a picture of that tree someday.
I did take this magnificent shot of a tree that had turned in Grapevine, two years ago at Thanksgiving.
I love the falling leaves. Every house we have had, in our 29 years, has mainly had Live Oaks. While pretty in their own way, they do not turn the pretty colors, the oh-my-it-is-fall colors! They do have acorns though-and that is fall.
I love the falling leaves. #write31days Share on XWhen Cameron did her study abroad in London two years ago, she was lucky to have experienced autumn in such a lovely place. She had gorgeous leaves falling all around her.
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Danni and I were blessed to cross the pond and visit Cameron while she was there studying.
This is in Notting Hill. A dreary, perfect London day! I have a habit of taking pictures of my kids walking in cool cities. (ah ha-blog idea!!)
These beautiful leaves were in Grosvenor Square, in Mayfair, in London. If you travel to London, do so in the fall. It’s so pretty and because they don’t have Thanksgiving, they deck the city in Christmas splendor, in November. Amazing-truly amazing!
So basically, if I want to experience autumn in all its glory, I must travel.
And that’s alright.
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower,” Albert Camus said poetically.
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower,” Albert Camus said poetically. #write31days Share on XSo very true.
love and blessings~dd
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