How freely do you give compliments? How many times have you stopped yourself from a simple compliment like telling her you like her shirt? Don’t let the moment pass without letting her know. If you are thinking something positive about someone, let them know. Let the love out. Let it flow.
If you can’t live without them, let them know. If you love them, tell them, and tell them why. Give compliments freely.
“Let your tongue speak what your heart thinks.” Davy Crockett
I don’t know how many times I had a compliment on the tip of my tongue, only to swallow and not let the positive out. I missed the moment. And why? Why do I do this? Why didn’t I tell her that her hair looked great? Why didn’t I tell her she is glowing today? Why didn’t I say that I think her house is dreamy?
So many wasted opportunities to let the love out.
People need to let people know we admire them. We need to let people know we believe in what they are doing, and we are proud of them.
Give compliments freely.
“We undervalue the courage of common civility, for what do we know of another person’s day, of how deep into their innermost resources they had to reach for that gracious smile, that friendly hello.” -Robert Brault
Think back to the last time someone paid you an honest compliment. You felt touched, didn’t you? You felt loved. Think about how good it made you feel.
When someone goes out of their way to tell me something positive, about me, I am elated. I feel my heart warm up inside. I smile. And, I am so appreciative. Especially if it is about my writing. It inspires me to continue.
So why don’t we do this for people on the daily? Why don’t we tell people how we feel when we are pleased with something? Why don’t we give compliments freely? We are missing opportunities to make people’s days! We need to stop holding our tongues when there is good, positive love to say!
We need to, instead, think about making their day. Making their day positive. And, making them smile. Mental health and depression is too common. You can’t stop this with a compliment, but you could change the moment. You never know what someone is going through. What if that was the only good thing said to them that day? Think of the smile we could have caused.
I tried to teach my kids to be nice to everyone at school. I told them we don’t know what went on in their house last night. We don’t know what happened before they went to school. Everyone is going through something at most times of their lives, so why not give them a smile and a give compliments?
Change the world, one smile and one compliment at a time!
Thumper said it right, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”
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The tongue can be so shrewd, evil and can cut like a knife. It should never be used as a weapon. The scars are much deeper.
There are many reasons and times to hold your tongue, but a compliment, a positive from your heart, a sweet word, is never the time.
If we are kind in our heart, we will say something nice.
On the other side of this, empty compliments should be held on the tongue. As well as negatives. There is so much negative in our world, we should only let the good out.
So many times, people say the negative on their tongue, but when it comes to giving a compliment we hold it in. Why?
Make it a practice—if you think it, say it. Say the compliment. If you see someone is trying hard at something, tell them you are proud. Let them know you are noticing! If someone gets a haircut and it looks great, tell them. Tell them you notice they are working out or are losing weight. Tell them you believe in them and they should go for their dream. Tell them when you see they are giving and caring. Let them know you appreciate them.
Giving compliments, spreading love, is easy and its free!
Don’t silence your tongue when there is good involved. Speak it. Let your heart speak!
Don’t silence your tongue when there is good involved. Speak it. Let your heart speak! #dedradaviswrites #givecomplimentsfreely Share on XI hope for you many compliments, given and received! Go tell someone what your heart feels. Tell them what your heart is thinking! Give compliments freely.
love and blessings, dd
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