And so it ends, on this All Hollow’s Eve, the write thirty-one day challenge, or as I deemed it-thirty-wonderful days of writing.
But was the write thirty-one day challenge wonderful? Not the entire time. Yes, I got a lot of practice in writing my blog and had to stretch myself and dig deep. But did I dig too deep? Stretch myself too far?
Writing thirty-one blog posts in thirty-one days was hard and I actually failed the challenge.
We left for San Francisco; I wrote the first two days, lost Wi-Fi and decided it was too hard to keep up the write thirty-one days challenge after walking almost 20,000 steps with arthritis in my feet and only seven months post-op of ACL replacement knee surgery. Yes, excuses, excuses.
He has led me to write (thirty-one day challenge) Share on X“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say. ~Flannery O’Conner
I tried. Hard. I managed twenty-seven posts in the thirty-one day challenge. Four short. (And San Francisco and Napa were worth it!) For my first attempt and my one year blogiversary coming up on November 2, I am proud of myself!
“All my mistakes and sins have led me to Him. And He has led me to write.” ~Jill E. McCormick
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I want to be led by Him in my writing. I pray for the ears and the ability to listen.
And so… so long #write31days challenge! Adios October! Farewell to you writers challenge. I may or may not see you again!
“Writing is the painting of the voice!”–Voltaire
To read other bloggers, much better than I, that participated in the challenge, read here
If you read any or all of my blogs, I thank you. I will now gladly return to one a week and I truly appreciate your support.
love and blessings~dd
**to read how I turned my Grandfather’s old typewriter into this golden beauty, read here
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