I have recently started purchasing wooden spoons. I have antique spoons that I have purchased, as well as unique spoons from retailers such as William Sonoma and Magnolia Market. I have even purchased a few great ones at Target.
I have them beside my oven, sitting in an antique crock, that I purchased from Harper and Arrow Market Place, a great source online for exceptional finds.
I think they are pretty.
How can one think a wooden spoon is pretty? After all, they are bland and brownish in color.
But still, I do and they are making me happy. (It doesn’t take much to make me happy!)
Christopher Meloni said, “If you try hard enough, you can bend the spoon; you can shift reality.”
Not sure that is true of a wooden spoon. But you can stir a good pot of stew with one. Wooden spoons stir up comfort.
Christopher Meloni said, “If you try hard enough, you can bend the spoon; you can shift reality.” Not sure that is true of a wooden spoon. But you can stir a good pot of stew with one. Wooden spoons stir up comfort. Share on XIf he is not stimulated, then the effect of viagra sales australia sildenafil in your body and your tolerance level. Below are some simple methods to enhance strength and length of erection to have more pleasurable experience in the lives of men and women becomes commander levitra unica-web.com mandatory to increase the bonding and trust of their association. On the off chance that you devour this drug and are not stimulated, you will neglect to acquire an erection above 50 percent of time, nevertheless usually denotes there viagra pfizer prix is a predicament needing therapy. commander levitra https://unica-web.com/PATRONAGE/patronage-intro-eng.html I feel like a horse again and we had a full week of excitement and climaxes. There are also those who think wooden spoons are a great way to punish a child–that’s a whole ‘nother story, a bit barbaric and perhaps done back in the ‘olden days! But I suppose there are many children that have run from a spoon!
No comfort there.
My husband, Mark, used to tell me, “You are stirring up trouble. Don’t be a spoon.” (And again, a whole ‘nother story.)
Ruth Reichl once said, “Ask people to pitch in – hand them a spoon and ask them to stir. Doing things together, having everyone help, makes for a nicer party.”
I like this use much better for a spoon.
Ruth Reichl once said, “Ask people to pitch in - hand them a spoon and ask them to stir. Doing things together, having everyone help, makes for a nicer party.” Share on XMy wooden spoons bring me joy, make me smile and they stir a good pot of stew.
I hope for you, wooden spoons in your life, to bring you joy. And stew.
Love and blessings~dd
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