Have you ever vacationed somewhere and fell in love with the city? As if the place now has a part of you and you of it?
Have you ever vacationed somewhere and fell in love with the city? As if the place now has a part of you and you of it? #travel #write31days Share on XThis happens to me quite regularly and I believe that is why I love to travel so very much.
Yes, getting away is nice. Seeing new things and having new adventures and eating new food. That is all wonderful and a wonderful part of traveling.
But I truly fall in love with places.
I read a quote by a writer that seems to artfully describe what happens when I travel. Patrick Wiltse sums it up beautifully.
“As you immerse yourself in an area over the course of a walk, you form a relationship with that area and your world expands, adding a new piece to the ever growing mosaic of the earth that has passed beneath your feet.”
“As you immerse yourself in an area over the course of a walk, you form a relationship with that area and your world expands, adding a new piece to the ever growing mosaic of the earth that has passed beneath your feet.”-Patrick Wiltse… Share on XSo true.
When we visit a city, we like to walk the city. Take out and explore. Find places to eat and places to sit and watch people. I am known as the outdoorsy-type. And by that I mean– I like to sit outside and have drinks, relax, talk and watch people.
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A piece of my heart stays there in the new city I explore. I yearn to go back.
This has happened with New York, Paris, Rome and many places in the U.S., but none more than London. I have been blessed to travel to London two times and I will go back. God willing.
This produces a syndrome called vacation depression.
Do not laugh. This is real.
As we travel to a new city this week, a city we have never discovered, I fear this place will take another piece of me. I have always wanted to go to San Francisco but have never been.
I am excited about all the sights and sounds and tastes of this place.
The legendary Chronicle columnist Herb Caen said, “A city is not gauged by its length and width, but by the broadness of its vision and the height of its dreams.”
Caen also said, “One day if I go to heaven… I’ll look around and say, ‘It ain’t bad, but it ain’t San Francisco.'” (Now I haven’t traveled there yet, but I am pretty sure I won’t agree with that quote.)
Oscar Wilde seems to feel the same way. “It’s an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco. It must be a delightful city and possess all the attractions of the next world.”
But the most famous San Franciscan quote has to be by Mark Twain. “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.”
The most famous San Franciscan quote has to be by Mark Twain, “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in #SanFrancisco.” #travel #write31days Share on XI am looking forward to the weather. Any weather that is not Texas weather is good weather. I’ve packed my sweaters. I am ready to go.
love and blessings~dd
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