Suffering from writer’s block, I started wondering why? Was my late-in-life dream over? Did I run out of my words? Will I never have new ideas to write about? Or, was I simply not trying hard enough?
Have you ever had a block of any kind? Something stopping you from fulfilling your dream? Your passion? Something keeping you from your zeal in life or your ambition?
Writer’s block is an actual condition. I am not sure you can go to the doctor and get a prescription for it, but it is a real thing. It is defined as primarily being associated with writing, where an author loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences a creative slowdown. The condition ranges in difficulty from coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce a work for years.
Do I suffer from writer’s block or do I simply have a case of “writer’s don’t”?
The opposite of writer’s block
Sometimes the inspiration and ideas fly out of this brain. Sometimes it happens at inopportune times—like when I am in the shower, while I am supposed to be sleeping, or while driving.
When I am in the shower and I get a great idea for a blog post or even a line in a post I am currently writing, I just simply think it out and repeat it repeatedly until I can get out, toweled off and to my Notes in my phone.
In the middle of the night, if I get some amazing idea, I either get up and put the idea in my Notes on my phone, go to my computer and start writing or try to go back to sleep and hope I remember the spark in the morning. The latter is never a good option. Almost always I forget it completely or don’t remember the awesomeness completely. Or, I think about it for hours and don’t get any sleep and realize I should have simply gone to write.
Do I suffer from writer’s block or do I simply have a case of “writer’s don’t”? #dedradaviswrites Share on XIf I get a great thought while driving, I use Siri. Siri is a great tool in this instance. I can dictate to my personal Englishman (I have my Siri set with a male English accent!) He is not a great taker of dictation–but when I read it back I can usually figure it out and he gives me a giggle.
Writing makes me so happy. Whether I am writing in my office, with my pups beside me on the floor under the window, or in my sunroom, on the couch with my pups sleeping beside me. Writing makes me happy. Writer’s block does not make me happy.
I am seeing a common condition—my pups. (Perhaps they give me my inspiration?)
It took me too long to begin so I won’t be giving in to the writer’s block demons. Not this week. Not today.
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Graduating in 1988, and although I had a journalism degree, I had no drive, no courage and absolutely no confidence. What I had was a wonderfully supportive husband and a baby on the way so I became a mother—not a writer. And while I would never change a thing, I have now found my drive, my courage and my confidence. I can’t lose my words now.
I pray for my words. I might just have to pray longer and harder, but the words will come, I have faith.
Because I also write for other publications, my words go in different directions. When I have a deadline, I have a challenge of sorts, something to beat. Time. I adore a deadline. Deadlines are my friend. When writing for others, I have a subject handed to me, or suggested, or a list of topics from which I choose. For dedra davis writes, there are no deadlines, no topics handed out, no rules or guidelines. I only have you to please. And, me—because I do write for myself first and then I think about you! Will you want to read it? Will you want to share it so others can read it?
The ah-ha moment
As I write this, and edit it, something occurs to me—I am writing. The block is gone and I think I now know what was stopping me all along—ME! Sometimes stepping back for a bit is healthy and sometimes it is nothing more than an excuse.
My excuses include life, Psoriatic Arthritis, and time.
Life and time, two things I need more of. I get busy doing other things, outside and inside, at home, and then also away from home. Life is needed for writing. I must experience life or I would never be inspired. I need to find a balance but also, I can’t use these as excuses. We all must do what we must do and we all have interferences, right?
My Psoriatic Arthritis does get in my way. Some days I am in pain and I don’t feel like doing anything. Some days I get the PsA blues, a known symptom, and I can’t do anything. These are days you will find me sitting on the couch, with my pups, fighting the battle of knowing I need to give in and rest but also hating the “I am being lazy” feeling. I don’t like these days. These days are no fun.
Still, no excuse. I could try writing through these days and next time I will.
“If I waited for inspiration I wouldn’t really be a writer.” Toni Morrison
A smart and talented friend of mine told me, “Clarity comes from engagement not thought.” Louise, you were right.
In this case, it is the engagement with my computer. I needed to put my fingers on my keyboard. That’s all it took. (Block schmock, right?) There was no demon keeping me from writing–there was only me keeping myself from my keyboard. The demon was the excuses.
My hope for you is that you don’t get in your own way. Don’t overthink or perhaps under-think—just think. Simply do it! Do what you do best and don’t allow yourself the excuse to stop. I am happy my “writers don’t” is over. And as always, thank you for taking the time to read my “writer’s do”!
love and blessings~dd
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Stephanie Eiler says
What a great post, Dedra! I have definitely had moments like this…it is very frustrating. But I also have ideas come to me when I am just out and about doing my thing, and I need to write them down quickly so I won’t forget what they are! Even when I’m writing, I only sit down for 20 minutes at the most, write out my thoughts and then come back to my writing later, otherwise I will get this writer’s block and just sit and sit for too long. I love your line that reads, “I must experience life, or I would never be inspired.” This is a quote to live by in my opinion, and I will write it down!! It is so true that we need to get out and live our lives and use our time to our creative advantage =) Wonderful post!